
We undertake grant management and can interphase with donors on the applicant’s behalf. We can provide event planning for NGOs e.g. for their medical outreach programs.

While there are many good facilities available, the average Nigerian does not know where to get the appropriate service for his ailment either locally or abroad. This has resulted in poor treatment and many avoidable complications for these patients. Health Visa Ltd is in the process of creating an appropriate directory of health services in Nigeria and beyond to enable our patients get the best possible care. We also interview patients and refer them to trusted institutions within Nigeria and anywhere in the world where the appropriate equipment and personnel are to be found.

With our team of highly skilled staff we can manage health facilities with maximal benefits in healthcare delivery and profits. We are eminently suited to provide expert staff needed to run a primary, secondary or tertiary healthcare facility in most sub specialities of surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, dental surgery and a host of other medical sub specialities. We also can provide all ancillary staff needed and of course will be available to manage the facility.

We have arrangements with international Health Information Systems services companies. This enables us to offer a variety of Telemedicine and electronic health records systems. Telemedicine enables us to maximise expertise in the various disciplines of medicine without having to provide specialists and equipment in each and every health facility.

We also engage in training and education of health professionals, provide theoretical and practical training for various surgical and medical procedures. We also undertake health advocacy and can dramatically promote various public healthcare issues by fully organising public awareness programs on improving trauma care, disaster preparedness, HIV/AIDS or any topical healthcare issues.

We also undertake grant management and can interphase with donors on the applicant’s behalf. We can provide event planning for NGOs e.g. for their medical outreach programs.

We will also eventually go into provision of HMO services and manufacturing of medical equipment.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9